Frogtown Tuned-In is a 501c3 non-profit organization that operates WFNU-LP Frogtown Community Radio.
We are an ALL VOLUNTEER run organization serving the diverse community & people of Frogtown neighborhood in St. Paul, Minnesota.
“Our focus is on amplifying the diverse voices of Frogtown in connection with surrounding communities. Our commitment is to provide a positive, healing, safe and empowering platform to allow all community voices to be heard. Our focus is on content and programs that inspire both adults and youth to take back narrative control from mainstream media, helping to showcase typically marginalized voices. Our mission is to encourage, educate, provide arts access, train community members in broadcast skills, and encourage citizen journalism that shines a true, holistic and realistic sense of community.”
Frogtown Tuned-In is funded by support from our listeners.
WFNU broadcasts at 94.1FM in St. Paul and online all over the world!
Frogtown Community Radio is an emerging low-power FM (LPFM) radio based out of the Frogtown neighborhood in St. Paul, MN and broadcasting on 94.1 FM.
With our hyper-local focus on Frogtown and surrounding communities, we are able to tap into fresh talent and engage our listener base in ways larger radio stations cannot. We believe that community radio provides a space for our community's voices, languages, ideas, and stories to be heard.
WFNU is the product of almost 4 years of organizing around the idea that community-owned media can be a powerful tool to unite and empower the Frogtown community, the most racially diverse neighborhood in St. Paul. In 2011, President Obama signed the Local Community Radio Act, which opened up many LPFM (Low Power FM) frequencies for community stations across the country. Low Power FM stations have a broadcast range of about 10 miles, meaning we can have a hyper-local range and focus. The FCC was not expected to open up these kind of frequencies again, so organizers from Frogtown and Phillips neighborhood in Minneapolis formed the Twin Cities Community Radio Initiative and began working with community members to submit applications to the FCC. After a long organizing campaign, in December of 2014, Frogtown Neighborhood Association was granted a permit from the FCC to build a community LPFM radio station and broadcast on 94.1 FM
In January of 2016, WFNU began broadcasting online radio in a small room, on a folding table with a mixer, 2 microphones and a laptop.
The community rallied together to raise enough money to build an FM transmitter and in August of 2016, an antenna was erected and WFNU began broadcasting on 94.1 FM in Saint Paul.
The station moved into the basement of Faith Lutheran Church and transformed an old locker room and janitor's closet into an on-air studio and production room. In June of 2021, WFNU moved into the top floor of the Capitol Ridge building in St. Paul.
WFNU continues to be a volunteer-run radio station operating 24-7, 365, with shows and music from and for the Frogtown community.
Over 18,000 people live in Frogtown, speaking over 7 languages!
Frogtown Tuned-In houses Frogtown’s only community radio station, WFNU-LP. What does the LP stand for? Low Power. That means WFNU broadcasts in a 5-mile radius around the intersection of University and Dale avenues, keeping our focus on our community. If you’re interested in putting your message out to our community and neighbors, find out more HERE.
wfnu frogtown community radio day:
Our happy co-manager Philip Gracia, proudly displaying a proclamation from the City of Saint Paul, and Mayor Melvin Carter, declaring Nov. 15, 2021, WFNU Frogtown Community Radio Day!
WFNU-LP radio was started, with love, by a group of community volunteers in the Frogtown neighborhood of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Volunteers dedicated their time and talents to train community members in radio broadcasting, engineering and DJ-ing skills.
Who we are:
Frogtown Tuned-In is made up of a dedicated team of people who love Frogtown and want to see it thrive.
In March of 2019, three WFNU radio volunteers got together to create the non-profit 501c3 organization Frogtown Tuned-In to help better serve our Frogtown community and grow WFNU.
Our executive team:
Our board of directors: